Add-on SMS Manager Module for Perfex CRM


Add-on SMS Manager Module for Perfex CRM

Latest Version : 1.0.2

Add-on SMS Manager”, module can be use in Perfex CRM to Extends its default functionality for sending SMS to clients.

  •  Add-on SMS Manager ” is using, by default enabled SMS gateways, provided by Perfex CRM. You can check for available SMS gateways from SETUP -> Settings -> SMS.
  •  Add-on SMS Manager ” you will be able to create new SMS triggers which will be sent automatically for clients.
  • Save Custom SMS Templates, to use in future.
  • You can send manual multiple custom SMS at a time to Clients, Leads, Staff members.
  • Use default Perfex CRM SMS Gateways, no need to implement new SMS gateway


1. Send Bulk Custom SMS

2. Add SMS Templates

3. Set Triggers for SMS

DLT Template ID (India Only) for MSG91 SMS Gateway Users and Perfex Version 2.9 or higher

Added advantage:

  • SMS triggers which will be sent automatically to clients, when new Projects, Invoices, Leads, Proposals, Support tickets, credit notes etc are created.
  • SMS triggers which will be sent automatically to clients, when any status is updated for Projects, Invoices, Leads, Support tickets etc.
  • Send custom SMS to Clients, Leads and Staffs.
  • Save SMS Templates for future use.

Also available to Implement new SMS Gateway (for India) , you can check our another module SMS Gateway Hub which also supports this module, if purchased both the modules.

It takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Documentation is included.

If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area. Guys from support department will get back to you as soon as possible with a reply.

Keep in mind that absolutely no coding is needed! Just follow the instructions and be able to use “Add-on SMS Manager” module in minutes.

View Demo

UserName :
Password: 12345678

 - Do not send SMS from Demo, you will not receive any SMS, because its only Demo purpose.
 - You need to enable any one SMS gateway given in Perfex, to use this module.
 - You can send multiple custom SMS at a  time, but number of SMS at  a time, will be depend on allowed by your SMS provider or Server.
Tested on Perfex Version 2.8.4