Chats & Newsgroups


Chats & Newsgroups

Applications for communication in private, public, anonymous groups and chats. Chats and groups are searched based on the location of the device. For convenience, there is an opportunity even for unregistered users to read public chats and groups. Registered users have more options, for example: they can create groups and chats, they can be members of private chats and groups, and much more.

The following groups and chats are available:

Public group – only the user who created the group can post messages to it. Other users can subscribe to the group and receive notifications about new messages in the group

Private group – only the user who created the group can post messages to it. To subscribe to a private group, users need to submit a membership request. The group creator can approve or accept this request. If the request is approved, then the user will receive group membership and access to view the content.

Public chat – the user who creates the chat is its administrator and can moderate messages: delete and block users. All members of the chat can write messages anonymously and these messages will be available to everyone.

Private chat – the user who creates the chat is its administrator and can moderate messages: delete and block users. All members of the chat can write messages anonymously and these messages will be available only to members of this private chat. To become a member of the chat, you need to submit a membership request and the administrator must approve it. Only after approval of membership – the user gets access to the content and the ability to create messages.


  • Creation of chats and newsgroups (private and public)
  • Blacklist – the administrator (chat or group creator) can block chat members
  • A member of a group or chat can customize how to receive notifications
  • The creator of a chat or group can delete and edit them
  • Geolocation-based stream
  • New posts and new membership requests notifications
  • Night theme
  • The application can be used even by unregistered users
  • Publish text messages, pictures, videos and stickers
  • Linking a phone number
  • Anti-spam limits
  • Language selection – you can easily add the languages ​​you need
  • And much more…