Critical Ops – (Unity – Admob)


Critical Ops – (Unity – Admob)

This is a first-person shooter game specially designed for mobile devices.

It is a complete project ready for release, and it’s excellent for learning purposes.

The gameplay is simple, with a perfect beginner guidance system.


Demo Android APK



* Made with Unity 2020

* Complete project

* Shooter game

* Optimized for Mobile

* Realistic graphic

* Multiple levels

* Gun upgrade system

* Simple rules and Easy control

* Perfect beginner guidance system

* Daily Quests System

* Lucky Wheel System

* Smooth and delicate animation

* Compatible with most mobile devices

* Admob ads(interstitial, rewarded, open ad)

* Clean C# scripts



* Unity 2019.3.9 or higher (Unity 2020.3.3 recommended)