Ekattor Sms Center Addon


Ekattor Sms Center Addon

This addon provides sms sending function to student, parent, teacher of your school. While you are managing your school with Ekattor School Erp, installing this addon will give you opportunity to send important message or school notices to teachers, students and parents.

How it works

  • Ekattor school erp should be pre-installed in your server
  • Purchase sms center addon for ekattor erp from codecanyon
  • Download and install the addon to your ekattor erp application
  • Navigate to “Back Office > Sms Center > Sms Settings” to configure a sms gateway and activate it
  • Now navigate to “Send Sms” page
  • From left side, select student or parent or teacher as sms reciever
  • You can choose class and targetted student or parent from a list
  • Write your message within 160 character count and click “send sms”
  • Your message will be sent to the selected users mobile number through your activated sms gateway