Hotel Management System Pro


Hotel Management System Pro

Hotel Management System Pro

This system has collected majority what hotel has needs to work and to manage the owner the activity inside in the hotel in it’s position whether it’s financial section, the room management and the reporting system to know work flow of the job.

Features About this Application

This application has Features that are:-

  1. Cool and Simplified Admin Dashboard
  2. Guest Registration
  3. Guest Booking and Checkin Room
  4. Invoice Payment for Customers if they are not full paid the Bill
  5. Daily Expense Management and displaying each day expense on the Dashboard Graph
  6. Knowing the Available Rooms in your Hotel
  7. User Login and Permission Management if you allow multi User on this application
  8. Backup Database Daily or Weekly or Monthly depending on what your decission is it
  9. Getting Number of Customers who are check in your hotel
  10. Reporting System such as Expense, income and Profit and Lose for
    • This Month
    • Last Month
    • 3 Months
    • Current Year
    • Last Year
  11. Asset Counting and Staff Registration
  12. And so other many Features inside the application