iWP-DevToolz (Pro) – WordPress Plugin Maker + Code Generator


iWP-DevToolz (Pro) – WordPress Plugin Maker + Code Generator

iWP-DevToolz is a WordPress Plugin Maker (stand-alone tools) can build a complete plugin code and also you can develop a WordPress Plugin that customized features very quickly. Like: ReadMe, Image Size, Custom Posts, Custom Fields, Short Codes/TinyMCE Plugin, Custom Taxonomis, Extra Fields, Roles, Enqueue Scripts, Enqueue Styles, Widgets, Plugin Options, Admin Bars, REST-API, WXR File and other.


What is the difference with Boilerplate or GenerateWP?

  • The resulting code is complete, such as: to create input forms such as email, telp, color or standard input, you don’t need to write code. or for custom code: you can see the value of a variable using the echo function
  • The code generated here is based on your project, for example the copyright or variable name is created on your behalf
  • You can use the generated plugins for your template, for example: your template requires an icon for the category, you can create a plugin for that
  • There are still many other differences, please see the demo