Purchase Management for Perfex CRM


Purchase Management for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script.

Purchase Management Module is an automated tool that enables companies and buyers to automate their entire procurement cycle from creating a purchase requisition document to finally receiving the ordered goods and making the payment. This advanced innovative process also passes through various points such as preparing a budget estimate, managing the spending, contracts, and suppliers with full control over purchase order.
This module also helps companies to develop electronic purchase orders, digitally manage inventory, and track goods and services in real-time. The tool is essential to optimize stock levels and determine what products and quantity to purchase.


  1. Product/Service Management : Inheriting from the items of Perfex CRM, this feature adds many other extended attributes such as product code, SKU, purchase price, sub-group, images,…
  2. Bulk Import Products
  3. Vendor/Supplier:
    • Supplier Management
    • Supplier Mass Import
    • Supplier Contact Management
    • Supplier Product/Service Management
  4. Purchase Request Management
  5. Supplier Quotation Management
  6. Compare Quotes from Suppliers
  7. Purchase Order Management
  8. Supplier Contract Management
  9. Debit Notes Management
  10. Supplier Invoices Management
  11. Payment Management
  12. Reports:
    • Cost of import goods for each item
    • Purchase Order Report
    • Purchase Invoices Report
    • Statistics by number of purchase orders
    • Statistics by cost
  13. Settings:
    • General Settings
    • Purchasing Options
    • Units Management
    • Product/Service Group Management
    • Product/Service Sub Group Management
    • Supplier Category
    • Approval Process Management
    • Permission Management
  14. Vendor/Supplier Portal:
    • Login/Register
    • Company Profile
    • Product/Service Management
    • Purchase Request Management
    • Quotation Management
    • Contract Management
    • Purchase Order Management
    • Invoice Management
  15. Integration:
    • Inventory Management for Perfex CRM
    • Accounting and Bookeeping for Perfex CRM
    • Omni Channel Sales for Perfex CRM