Ramom School QR Code Attendence


Ramom School QR Code Attendence

Ramom School QR Code Attendence addon adds QR Code attendence module in “Ramom Multi Branch School Management System”. Using this addon students and employees attendance can be taken through smartphone(Android and IOS) camera or webcam. Also you can track employees In Time and Out Time. Overcome the hurdles involved in tracking attendance by using our QR code attendance. Now, you can verify and track your attendance super-smoothly. The user attendance QR code is secure, as it is printed in encrypted condition.


Key Features:

  • You can physically verify and track your attendance super-smoothly
  • Attendance can be taken through smartphone camera (Android and IOS)
  • QR Codes are the ideal and cost effective for tracking attendance
  • Also you can track employees In Time and Out Time
  • Ramom School generates ID cards with unique QR codes for each user
  • No third-party apps are required.