Webhooks plugin for RISE CRM – Connect RISE with every service


Webhooks plugin for RISE CRM – Connect RISE with every service

Note: This is a plugin for RISE CRM.

Webhooks plugin for RISE is a plugin that will allow to exchange realtime information between RISE CRM and every other service that supports webhooks, making possibilities and automation unlimited.

Webhooks are one way that apps can send automated messages or information to other apps. It’s how Twilio routes SMS and phone calls to your number, how WooCommerce can notify you about new orders in Slack, how MailChimp signup users from your website to your newsletter, etc.

Take a look at three sample Webhook creations for popular services, which showcase Leads synchronization, below:

» How to synchronize RISE Leads with Zapier, using our plugin

» How to synchronize RISE Leads with Zapier & Slack, using our plugin

» Synchronize RISE Leads with Zapier and Google Sheets, using our plugin

Using similar steps, our plugin can be used to synchronize (or notify third party services of your choice) more supported functions, apart from Leads. Please check the supported list below

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