Automation Manager for Perfex CRM


Automation Manager for Perfex CRM

Note: This is not a standalone script, but it’s a module for Perfex CRM and requires an installation of Perfex CRM Software. Please also note, that Automation Manager Module runs on PHP Version 8+. It will not work if you have older PHP version on your server. Please consider this before buying.

Automation Manager Module for Perfex CRM will make your Perfex CRM Software as cool as top shelf similar software on the market with dozens of automated actions. With this plugin you are able to create automation rules for tasks (involving assignees and followers, time sheets, statuses and priorities, tags, comments, and even custom fields.

Sample Automation rules. available:

  • IF ‘task priority’ is ‘urgent’ THAN ‘add 5 hours to task time sheet with comment “additional fee for urgent work”’ ,
  • IF ‘due date is today’ THAN ‘add comment: “Why is this task late?”’,
  • IF task isn’t updated within 3 days THAN write comment: “What is going on with this task??”,
  • IF task status changes to “Awaiting feedback” THAN Add notification in four days with additional note”
  • Task status changes to:
  • Task priority changes to:
  • Start date is today
  • Due date is today
  • Task inactive for {x} days
  • Set task status to {x}
  • Set task priority to {x}
  • Add comment
  • Add timesheet (with note)
  • Set reminder
  • Add or change assignees
  • Add od change followers

You can also create rules for more than one trigger with [or] / [and] parameters (for example: due date is today [and] priority is urgent) and you can do the same with actions (for example: change status to {x} [and] change assignees to {y} and change priority to {z})

All you need to do is install the module through standard module feature in Perfex CRM, and you will see a new Tab in UTILITIES section of Perfex CRM Admin Panel.

You can create new automations, edti existed ones and delete them. If you have any doubts regardins this module, please follow our documentation for this module, CLICK HERE.

Note, that we are not done with the plugin and in few weeks we will add new Automation rules:

  • Upcoming rule: Task status changed from [x] to [y]
  • Upcoming rule: Task priority changed from [x] to [y]
  • Upcoming rule: Task created
  • Upcoming rule: Due date changes
  • Upcoming rule: Start date changes
  • Upcoming action: Add Custom field value
  • Upcoming action: Add tag
  • Upcoming action: Change due date
  • Upcoming feature: Mark Automations as active / not active (without the need to delete unwanted Automation rules),
  • Upcoming feature: Show task ID for which the lasy Automation was triggered for certain rule,

Features listed above will arrive around October 2022. If you purchased this module and you would like it to have some other, custom features – please, give as a hint and we will do our best to add this feature in next update.