Buggy | Car and Sport Game | Unity Complete Project for Android and iOS


Buggy | Car and Sport Game | Unity Complete Project for Android and iOS

Race with your buggy and go as far as you can!

This is a simple racing game in which you control a buggy on a beach track and have to go as far as you can. But you must avoid other buggy cars and obstacles along the track and if you hit one, you will lose one heart. If you lose all 4 hearts, you will lose the game! Your score is based on how far you have proceeded, so do your best and stay on the track as long as you can!

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  • Endless game play
  • Score based
  • Made with Unity engine
  • Easy to customize and modify
  • Document included
  • Cross Platform(Android, iOS)


Unity 3D version 2019.3.9f1 or higher.


Install unity 2019.3.9f1 or higher version to load up the project and see the read me file for details about editing, reskining and etc.