Exicube Delivery App


Exicube Delivery App

    • Clean Organized Code – The whole project has many sub projects. All the sub projects are working together by Monorepo concept.
    • React & React Native (Expo) – The best technologies used for Web and Mobile respectively. Expo gives the power to build iOS and Android Native Apps from same source code and from any Operating system, Windows or Mac OS.
    • Database and Hosting – For database we are using the robust Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase’s own hosting platform. Firebase Fucntions are used for all the server side logic, We are working on Firebase for years and trust it to best for App development.
    • Authentication – Authentication is managed by Firebase Authentication. Email, Phone (OTP SMS) Authentication are main methods. Apart from those, Social Auth using Facebook and Apple are also included.
    • Map Based Approach – Drag Map for selecting the Address or use the Autocomplete backed by Google APIs. Complete vehicle tracking on Map. Google APIs are futher used for calculating time and distances for estimates.
    • Flexible Booking – Book Now and Book Later Scheduling is available. Choose available vehicle options. Instant estimate and delivery options before confirming booking.
    • Vehicle Types – Customer are presented with different vehicles types for choosing on the Booking page. These are set by Admin with different Distance and Time rates.
    • Delivery Options – Booking window has dynamic options like Parcel types, additional options and Delivery information form. These are set by Admin with different rates based on type of options.
    • Booking Mangement – All users have the feature of viewing their full booking list in App and Web. Select a booking and cancel. Admin can manage all bookings.
    • Dispatch Options – Fully Automatic dispatch with Option to Manually dispatch Jobs to Drivers. Admin can dispatch manually.
    • Canellations – Cancellation option with reasons. Slab system to define multiple Cancellation fees based on conditions. Fully automated credit to Wallet.
    • Website Features – Online Web Booking for Customer and option to manage the booking. Basic Pages are included like Landing Page, About Us, Privacy Policy and App Store Links Showcase Area on Landing Page.
    • Agent Approvals – The Agent registration is carefully design to enter Vehicle Details and Agent Driving License for Verification. These can be accessed by Admin for approval. Approval system is optional.
    • Agent Jobs – Realtime booking requests gets added to Tasks list. Non stop sound alerting for new job if app is in background. Agents have ability to accept and ignore requests.
    • Delivery Security – There are multiple security featured integrated with the App.
      – OTP system for matching Customer to Agent for delivery.
      – Mandatory Pickup Images and Delivery Images taken by Agent.
      – All delivery information available to Agent on active booking.
      – Customer can track parcel realtime.
    • Navigation – Google Map based navigation is integrated to the system. Agent can directly forward the location coordinates to Google Navigation in one tap.
    • Fleet Management – Admins can add Businesses as Fleet Admins. Fleet Admins have the power to add and approve their own Delivery agents. Also check their earnings.
    • Agent Earnings & Withdraw – Agents income adds up to the Wallet. Agent can opt to Withdraw Wallet funds anytime. The request goes to the Admin for approval.
    • Payment Methods – There are 3 primary payment methods – Wallet, Cash and Online Payment Gateways. Online payment gateways introduce various financial instruments to the App.
      Wallet – Customers and Agents both have Wallet. Customers can topup and pay from it. Agent’s income get added to Wallet and they can Withdraw. Admin has the option to topup Wallets of both types of users.
      Cash – Customers can pay Cash on delivery.
      Online Payment Gateway – App has the option to pay with integrated payment gatways which supports cards and other payment methods.
    • Payment Gateways – There are multiple payment gateways integrated with the App.
      Paypal, Braintree, Stripe, Paytm, Payfast, Paystack, Liqpay, Paystack, SecurePay, Payu-latam, Culqi
    • Multiple Language Support – Option to configure multiple languages. All Left to Right Languages are supported.
    • Profile Management – User can change their basic details and profile pics from the Profile page in App. User can also Delete their account from here.
    • User Management – Admin can add, edit, delete all the 3 types of users, Customers, Agents and Fleet Admins. Admin can approve the Agent and also reset the Busy status of Agents.
    • Communication – Active booking has the option for Chat and Phone Call between Customer and the Agent. Chat has Push Notification integrated.
    • Referral Bonus and Promos – Referral amount and Promo code with validity can be setup on the Admin portal. The referral program benefits both user who share and use the referral code to register. Promo codes can be used while making payments to avail discounts.
    • Push Notifications – Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and Expo work together to provide the perfect system for the Push Notifications. All new bookings, booking status changes and chat are covered by notifications. Admin has the form to send bulk Push Notifications to App users
    • Statistics and Reports – The Dashboard for Admin comes with basic statistics on earnings and a map for active drivers. There are full reports on Agent based earnings and App earnings for Admin.
    • Documentation – Well documented setup manual provided along with code. Also video links provided in the document.