Grofers – Android Grocery, Food Ecommerse App | Firebase, Awesome Admin Panel


Grofers – Android Grocery, Food Ecommerse App | Firebase, Awesome Admin Panel



Grocers is a native Andorid App made for helping people to go digital and start their Online E-Commerse Grocery Store.Grofers is also the best choice for the people who wants to start their Online Grocery Business without any huge investments and desire to get get best profits.

What’s Included

Customer Android App Source/n Code.

Admin or Store Android App Source Code.

Documentation and Video File.

Main Features


Other Screen Shots


Grofers – Customer App Features

  • User can easily login and signup via Email and Password.
  • For the user authentication, Official SDK of Firebase Authentication is used.
  • User can see the products in the HomePage and can also search the products by categories.
  • In HomePage, User will see a Facebook Shimmer Effect which not only engages users while data is being fetched but also is very much helpful in the app’s performance.
  • User can navigate between the screens through a Material Bottom Navigation View which gives a clean and interactive UI to the App.
  • User can add the products to their Favorite Section as well as can directly add it to his cart.
  • User can add multiple addresses for his convenience.
  • User can check the order status whether it is in the stage of “Preparing”, “Dispatched”, “On The Way”.
  • User can check Notification that he receives when a Admin changes the status of the product or notify him by writing a specific message.
  • User has two options two pay – Online of by Cash. User can pay online via various methods – Net Banking, UPI apps, Debit Card, Credit Card or by any virtual wallets.
  • The design is really very easy to understand for a user.

Grocery – Admin App Features

  • Admin can see his order in various stages such as in Preparing Stage, On The Way stage or dispatched stage or delivered.
  • Admin can also authenticate, It means there can be multiple Admins for the app.
  • Admin can navigate between the screen via Bottom Navigation or by Navigation Bar.
  • Admin can also add the pin code to which deliveries are available and can decide in which pin codes CASH ON DELIVERY are available.
  • Admins can also add unlimited products to any category he wants and can easily edit that product anytime.
  • User can edit the details about his store any time and it will reflect immediately in the Customer App.
  • User can easily edit the status of the order and whenever he does so the User who had the order gets a notification regarding his Order Status.
  • User can also message specifically to the User and User gets the notification.
  • The design is really very easy to understand for a user