Vacation Countdown Timer|Calendar Countdown App Template


Vacation Countdown Timer|Calendar Countdown App Template


Demo From OneDrive

Contact/Owner: [email protected]

Update 2023

  • Updated to support the latest android version(android 13).
  • Added AD_ID permission.
  • Added POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission.
  • Bugs have been fixed based on customer feedback


What Does This Project Do?

This project consists of 2 parts. In the first part, users can add future or past events themselves. Thus, he can see how much time is left for the event that will take place in the future, or how much time has passed since the event that has taken place in the past. In the second part, you can add event with a *.json file that you can manage remotely. For example, you can add important days of a country.

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What is the Revenue Model of the App?

The application contains Admob adaptive bannerinterstitial and open app ads. You can make money by adding your own ad codes.

What other features ?

  • Users can add future or past events. They can choose an image from the gallery as the background. They can specify the font color.
  • Users can share event cards as images.
  • The user receives notification 24 hours before the event.
  • Includes Onesignal notifications.


Is Code Information Required to Reskin the Project?

No, no code information is required. But you need to be able to use Android Studio. You will receive a detailed reskin document. Everything you need to do is explained here in detail.  If you want, I can reskin the project for you at an cheap price. Please check my fiverr profile.

Need help with Reskin?

If you want, I can reskin the project for you at an cheap price. Please check my fiverr profile.


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