WallCraft Wallpapers and Ringtones app


WallCraft Wallpapers and Ringtones app

Android 11 Compatible and Supported



Professional Wallpapers & Rintones App with an easy-to-use user interface. It has Pexels Api integrated which offers access to millions of stunning wallpapers & Firebase which saves Premium Wallpapers, Ringtones, and Notification sounds.


β€’ Attractive Ui Design

β€’ Premium Wallpapers

β€’ User can search for any wallpaper

β€’ User can Set, Download and Add to Favorite Wallpaper

β€’ Save credits for future use for unlocking Premium Wallpaper

β€’ Ringtones & Notification sounds

β€’ Ringtone & Notification sound can be Download & Share

β€’ User can upload Wallpaper, Ringtone & Notification sound

β€’ Admin has full control over the app. Admin can delete any user’s account or content or make a strike against the user’s account.

β€’ Scalable

Ad network Integrated:

β€’ AdMob

The documentation for this app is very clear and short. Even if the buyer is not aware of the Flutter, he/she can build APK. Complete AdMob integration has been done and only test ad ids need to be replaced with the real ids. The app comes with very useful features and many features will come in the future. If you want to test the app, kindly download the APK from the below link.

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